


やましたあつこは1993年、愛知県出身。2018年に東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻を卒業。幼少期の体験に基づいて創生したパラレルな世界を油彩、日本画材を使いながらドローイング的な柔らかい筆致で絵画に起こし、一貫して「邪魔のない幸せ」を描いている。第35回ホルベインスカラシップ奨学生。主な受賞歴に「シェル美術賞2018 藪前知⼦審査員賞」、「第4回CAF賞⼊選」があり、また作品は愛知県美術館にパブリックコレクションとして収蔵されている。 Born in Aichi prefecture in 1993. Yamashita completed her BA in oil painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2018. She consistently depicts 'unencumbered happiness' in the parallel world she created based on her childhood experiences. In her work, she uses oil and Japanese painting materials with soft, drawing-like brushstrokes. Yamashita was the 35th Holbein Scholarship recipient. Major awards include the Tomoko Yabumae Judge Award of the Shell Art Award (Idemitsu Art Award) in 2018 and she was nominated for the 4th CAF Award. Her works are in the public collection of the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art.